Poynt Contest Could Help Pay Your Mortgage
By Rob Campbell
As the sub-prime mortgage crises continues to imperil the beleaguered US economy, North American homeowners may get some relief, from an unlikely source, online. Calgary based, Multiplied Media Corporation, [TSX-V: MMC] has designed a promotion to market their local search service, Poynt and help struggling homeowners make their mortgage payments at the same time. It’s generous, and ingenious; it’s a game with real prizes. In their persistent search for ‘early adopters’ the executives at Multiplied Media have designed a contest to attract some of North America’s 70 million instant messenger users. Throughout the month of March, the "Home Free" contest rewards participants with the opportunity to win a $250,000 Grand Prize, or one of two dream vacations worth $5,000, Microsoft Xbox 360’s, BlackBerry Curve or Pearl Smart Phones and literally hundreds of movie tickets and music downloads.
The user experience has two parts; after registering (for the contest) and adding ‘poynt@live.com’ to Microsoft® Windows Live™ Messenger or the screen name Poynt to AIM®, and after each ‘player’ has completed one valid search using Poynt, that individual will receive one game play on the contest website — the game features a unique cartoon map interface that dispenses useful tips and search protocol instructions. Five more valid searches in the real world earns a second play at the game in the cartoon world, and yet another five valid searches on Poynt are rewarded with a third and final game play in the contest website.
Some of us don’t need media celebrities to point out the merits of incorporating more homegrown, locally manufactured commodities into our personal and business lives. Consuming domestic produce is better for the environment, pure and simple. Local traffic means less petroleum is spent bringing goods to market, and that goes a long way toward reducing everyone’s carbon footprint.
At the end of the day, Poynt isn’t just another handy online resource – this powerful tool could help save the world. Now it’s finally possible to track all manner of environmentally friendly food, pet, clothing, and entertainment options close to home. With the click of a button, ‘local search’ helps evolve 21st century consumers.
Poynt’s Homefree Contest Sure, it’s a game; the same way a scratch and win card is a game. It’s really a paid comprehension test. Follow the instructions, and learn by interacting with the software as it makes relevant the abstract potential of Poynt’s local search service in each player’s life. Pay attention and you could win prizes.
What Kinds of Things is Poynt Good For? As participants must actually perform genuine local searches using this unique service, they might get some ideas from the contest. ‘Take Rover to the vet’, ‘Get a haircut’, and ‘Find a doctor’ are the first three things on most TO DO lists on the contest site. Participants will probably mimic the pattern in reality. Suddenly they will know the address of the nearest veterinarian hospital, and the closest barber shop, and medical center.
About the Author: Go to http://www.mypoynt.com/homefree/ to register and play the game; do a local search on Poynt, and perhaps you will learn something about your neighborhood at the same time.
Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=237464&ca=Parenting