The reason the States won’t nullify laws and regulations enforced by the Federal Government is because the States are dependant on federal tax money to fund their infrastructure. They suck on the milk of stolen money, and are now totally addicted. They will not nullify unconstitutional laws without risking their own re-election when the spigot gets turned off (as we are seeing with “common core” education funds). I believe the only real hope if our nation is to survive as a constitutional republic, is to do away with the income tax and the central bank. Otherwise, we purchase our own demise with our own money.
Thank you for the re-blog. What you say is True.
For example, in my state of Tennessee, one State Senator introduced a bill to nullify obamacare. But the fiscal note attached to her bill by the fiscal committee said that if Tennessee nullified obamacare, we would lose $6 BILLION in federal funds. Well! We can’t have that! So, the obamacare nullification bill died.
And then to show how outraged they are about out-of control federal spending, the Tennessee Legislators almost unanimously passed a resolution asking Congress to call a constitutional convention for the ostensible purpose of drafting a “balanced budget” amendment.
Doubtless, the People of Tennessee will re-elect these fools and hypocrites to office.