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Talking about Digital Music a la Francaise
Any time the Government is your source of rights, your rights are contemptible things that can be vacated at a whim. In the case of France vs. Apple, the state is in effect saying that you have no right to your property (intellectual). France is a true democracy.
That is why true rights are "inalienable", derived from God rather than the State. The most significant being the right to Property.
Talking about WorldNetDaily: Sheep’s clothing and Adam Smith
Vox Day again shows his insight in an area that seems to invisible to most people indoctrinated in popular economics.
Slaves may have some freedoms, but they are still slaves. What’s more important than security (a question that seems to be popping up everywhere – especially my workplace now-a-days) along with prosperity? How about Liberty.
Talking about Darn Good Dell Deal
Wow – this looks like an exceptional deal on a new Dell PC with 19" LCD Monitor. $460… Now’s a good time to upgrade!
Talking about Apple sued over alleged iPod hearing loss – Tech News & Reviews –
Apple sued over alleged iPod hearing loss – Tech News & Reviews –
All it takes is deep-pockets and some bozo will try to join the victim club. When will people learn that they can’t (and should not) be rewarded for their own ignorace and stupidity. I guess it will be when Judges and juries stop rewarding them.
Like that will happen.
Talking about ‘Star Wars’: What it felt like the first time – Star Wars –
I was 15 when Star Wars frist hit the big screen, and already a HUGE sci-fi fan. I remember the excruciating wait for the 7 months before it was released, and (way before the Internet) getting every magazine that even hinted info.
A couple of my friends (all of us were total geeks) dressed up in Star Trek garb, somehow thinking it would make the experience even better… but there was nothing that could prepare us for that first space battle scene. It rocked our world.
In all, I went to 13 theater showings that first year. It exceeded every expectation, and literally made that year bearable. Thanks George!
‘Star Wars’: What it felt like the first time – Star Wars –